
  • Breakfast – Sausage and Cheese Sandwich, Rice Krispies Cereal, & Orange Juice
  • Lunch – Spicy Meatball Sub & Fruit Bowl & Peace Ice Tea
  • Dinner – Rice and Fries with BBQ Pork in Sweet and Sour Sauce and Peas & Peach Ice Tea

The Happenings

This post will also be a bit short because I’m pretty tired. I will not post tomorrow because I have to study for the test on Friday but I will do a double post Friday night or Saturday morning to catch-up.

When we came in for the reading test, many of us looked a bit dead. It seems like everyone else had a difficult time with the readings, with some people in my group saying that they used Khan Academy to help supplement the book. I agree that the reading this time was challenging, especially because I couldn’t really visualize anything. Like for angular momentum, we do a cross product but I don’t really understanding in what direction the momentum is pointing in because of the right hand rule. Anyway, when we got into the big lecture group, Professor Yao showed us our reading test results and they were abysmal to say the least. Out of 10 questions, I think only 3-4 were correctly answered by at least 50% of us.

The consolidation questions got tough for me and I just ended up guessing of the last few. I tried to logic it out and it seemed to work but I don’t really know why. I tried googling explanations but then I saw the derivations and I was way too tired to try and understand those today.

After I got back to the dorm I crashed for two hours then started the tutorial questions with Raya, Anabella, and Robert. They called it a day after question 4 (out of 6) but I tried to keep going. I finally caved at the question because I wasn’t able to follow what was happening anymore. Today was a lot of confusion and hopefully a lot of our knowledge holes will get filled in tomorrow during tutorial review. all in all, one of the most tiring days yet. We all seem to be burning out.