I woke up very early for some reason – 6:15am! I had my alarm set for 7:00am but I guess my body didn’t need it. I went to the Fraser Building at 8:30am again to schedule an appointment for my ankle and they said the latest they could give me was 5:00pm, which is right when class ends. After scheduling my appointment I went to get breakfast and got another sandwich, but this time it was sausage and cheese instead of the usual bacon. Needless to say I am a bit concerned for my health, and I’m sure a lot of other people on this program are too. But hey, I think they’re trying the best they can. The tall man who seems to be in charge of the meals is very nice and livens my mood for the day.

Today was the second day of Cycle 1, so it was tutorial and lab day. Not much happened for the tutorial. We just went over the six questions we were did for homework and then spent the last hour doing practice problems. Lunch was good today – two chickens breasts with a side of fries, sauced with gravy. I haven’t had gravy in a while and it reminded me of the mashed potato lunch I used to get at Sandburg. It was my favorite lunch and I looked forward to getting it every Friday.

After lunch, we had three hours to do our lab and write-up and it was a bit hectic. We had to make a roller coaster with a building kit that displayed constant negative acceleration as well as uniform circular motion. Then we had to draw the velocity and acceleration vectors and their x- and y-components. Lots of people in my group were confused because we had not learned how to decompose acceleration that was on a tilted plane and I’m just going to say that the lab was rough during the lab report. It was fun building the roller coaster but the rest of the lab was so-so.

Dinner was rice, chicken, and green beans glazed with what I think was sweet and sour sauce. It wasn’t bad but it feels like every meal is carbs. Then the rest of my night was reading chapters 4 and 5, Newton’s Laws of Motion. We’ll see how if I start adjusting to the workload but right now it’s not too bad, just a bit overwhelming at times.