New New == New Me?
January 1st!! The first day of the new year and new decade – woo!
As part of my New Year Resolutions, I plan on posting one picture a day every year. The first one shall be of the sunset, taken from the door of Tofu House. I will say I am a bit sad I missed the chance to take a picture at the Rec Center because that view was better.
I also spent an hour trying to figure out two chords in Mary Poppin’s Anything Can Happen. I ended up finding sheet music on Musescore, so now I know there was a modulation from F Major to D Major using a IV6 – I progression (B/D# to D). There is a feeling of resolution because the D# moves down chromatically to D. In addition, there is a pedal C# happening below the bass staff which resolves up by a half step to D. This causes the lower two voices to resolve to D with contrary motion, which really pushes the resolution. That’s some big brain cool technique.
It was fun hanging out with family from Denver earlier today and now the rest of the night is now free for anime or surfing more videos on the web!